At Resource Recovery Australia we want to encourage reuse and repurposing.
Our blog will be filled with good news stories from our team and ideas to help you reuse, repurpose and recycle.
Addressing Consumption to Tackle Waste in Australia
Reviva: More Than a Tip Shop – It’s a Reuse Shop with a Purpose
At Resource Recovery Australia (RRA), we’re more than just a waste management organisation. As a not-for-profit social enterprise, we’ve spent the last 30 years dedicated to keeping waste out of landfill, creating job opportunities for people experiencing barriers to work, and fostering community engagement. One of our standout initiatives is Reviva, our reuse shops that embody the principles of sustainability and social impact.
Reviva: More Than a Tip Shop
Reviva: More Than a Tip Shop – It’s a Reuse Shop with a Purpose
At Resource Recovery Australia (RRA), we’re more than just a waste management organisation. As a not-for-profit social enterprise, we’ve spent the last 30 years dedicated to keeping waste out of landfill, creating job opportunities for people experiencing barriers to work, and fostering community engagement. One of our standout initiatives is Reviva, our reuse shops that embody the principles of sustainability and social impact.
Why living sustainably is great for your budget, environment and community
In a world where every choice we make can have a lasting impact, the concept of “green living” or embracing a more sustainable lifestyle is
Waste diversion: Why it matters and how you can make a difference
Today, we’re delving into a topic that is close to our heart – waste diversion. As a not-for-profit social enterprise waste diversion is our core
Reviva’s top 5 tips for getting started with upcycling
At Reviva, we believe in the magic of giving new life to old items, and today, we’re excited to share our top 5 tips for
Circular economy explained: The Power of Second-Hand Shopping
In a world dominated by fast fashion and disposable goods, the term “circular economy” stands out as a beacon of sustainability. Today, we invite you
How our #WASTE2WAGES purpose empowers our team
At Resource Recovery Australia, our commitment to a sustainable future goes beyond just waste management – it’s about transforming lives through our not-for-profit purpose, #WASTE2WAGES.
Resource Recovery Australia’s Consulting Triumphs: Unveiling Waste Diversion and Community Potential
RRA’s Consulting Services utilises our operational expertise from over 32 years of our #WASTE2WAGES model to build systems and capacity to divert waste from landfill
Green Christmas 2023 – Your Sustainable Christmas Gift Guide
This Christmas, as you search for the perfect gifts for your loved ones, consider breaking the stigma and making a positive impact with second-hand treasures
Waste isn’t waste until it’s wasted – the waste hierarchy explained
At Reviva and Resource Recovery Australia, we’re big advocates for reuse, buying second hand, and recycling. We believe that everyone has a role to play
NSW Leaders Embrace Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Awareness Training
In an effort to foster a more inclusive and culturally sensitive work environment, Community Resources (RRA’s parent organisation) recently organised a comprehensive Aboriginal and Torres
Celebrating NAIDOC Week: How My Elder Shaped My Multilingual Journey and Cultural Pride
Anthena Huynh is a Team Leader on Resource Recovery Australia’s Mobile Community Recycling Service which operates in the Cumberland, Parramatta and Blacktown local government areas.
Honouring our Elders – Jordy’s experience – NAIDOC Week 2023
In a world often consumed by hustle and bustle, it’s essential to pause and appreciate the guiding lights in our lives. Among the Indigenous peoples
The importance of Elders in Aboriginal Culture -NAIDOC 2023
NAIDOC Week is a time of great significance and celebration, as we come together to recognise and honour the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal
Embracing the Circular Economy: The Power of Buying Second Hand
Welcome to Reviva, we’re reuse shops, and we sit at the centre of a thriving circular economy. But you’re probably wondering what that means? What
Top Do’s and Don’ts for packing to visit a waste facility
Packing a trailer, car, or ute, to visit a waste facility can be quite a daunting task. But worry not! We’ve got you covered with